Monday, 28 January 2013

Investment Arbitration Reporter (IA Reporter)

The library has newly subscribed to the database Investment Arbitration Reporter which contains news, commentary and cases on international arbitration.
News and analysis on international arbitration between foreign investors and their host governments are under the “News and Analysis” section, investment arbitration awards and documents are available under “Document Downloads” section.

You can access Investment Arbitration Reporter at the Law Database List


  1. Investment Arbitration Reporter. Articles |; Int'l & Comparative |; Arbitration. Description of the database. buy silver

  2. The legal protection of Foreign Direct Investment is guaranteed by a network of more than 2750 Bilateral Investment Treaties (BITs), Multilateral Investment Treaties, most notably the Energy Charter Treaty and number of Free Trade Agreements containing chapter on investment protection, such as NAFTA.
    Investment Arbitration

  3. The use of an arbitrator to settle a dispute. News and analysis on international arbitration between foreign investors and their host governments. Thanks for sharing information.

    International Commercial Arbitration

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

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