Monday 4 June 2018

InfoLit in Law and KEEP law courses

There are many free law courses offered at KEEP (Knowledge & Education Exchange Platform).
KEEP is:
  • A personalized educational portal for users to easily search, subscribe and access content from the KEEP Cloud Ecosystem.
  • Supporting the development of innovative teaching and learning with cutting-edge technology.
  • Uncovering the most relevant results from different education resources.
To register/sign up for a course, please create your personal login first.
You may search "law" in KEEPSearch under "Courses" or KEEPCourse, and you will find a wide variety of courses that are related to the subject of Law. The courses are basically free of charge and offered by local and overseas universities.

CityU has created a literacy course named Discipline Module: InfoLit in Law. If you are not familiar with legal research in Hong Kong (and some steps also apply in legal research in general), you are highly recommended to join this Module. This Module is very useful and clearly laid out, and contains videos and quiz etc to help you start with legal research .

KEEP Law-related courses

Discipline Module: InfoLit in Law

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